Wednesday, October 29, 2008

meet me in montauk

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ela é minha menina

I helped phil dj a wedding (ate cake/drank beer/said 'yeah play that') the other night and then we went to balthazar and got dessert and port after and I felt bourgeois for two seconds. Trust me, it was only two seconds.

There was a lull in our conversation so I put chocolate mousse on my face in the shape of a Hitler stache and announced 'I'm chocolate Hitler!' and just as I was about to heil myself and the aryan white chocolate race our waitress interrupted me to inform me she was done with her shift and we becky was taking over.

I never removed my stache.

Friday, October 10, 2008

you're losing your vitamin C

my old shitty roommate just called me and asked me to bring her the keys to the apartment that are almost 3 months late because all of them are locked out of the apartment right now.

I also owe them two months worth of electric bills


half lame. half not lame.

last night I went and saw Wire for free. They're old. They played all new stuff and I got kind of bored so my friend and I checked out Banksy's new installation in the west village. it's really good. He turned a store front into a mock pet store with animatronic ironic 'animals' like chicken nuggets and a rabbit putting on makeup and a masturbating monkey watching tv.

Banksy explained "I took all the money I made exploiting an animal in my last show and used it to fund a new show about the exploitation of animals". cute

He also rented two walls in downtown and had them painted by commissioned painters

it's kind of weird that this messiah of street art is now loaded with money and has turned his tactics to more legal routes of expression. I don't know yet if I find it disheartening but it does definitely make the art a lot less guerrilla and special in the sense that it's a secret. Both aspects are still confronting though. See them if you can.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I am currently obsessed with watching free movies online. Today I watched 'the decline of western civilization 2:the metal years', 'basket case', 'apocalypse now', 'forgetting sarah morgan' and now I am watching 'american meth'.

I was inspired mid-way to check out the website 'faces of meth' and I thought I had typed 'feces of meth' and had a laughing fit by myself with my head phones on.

I rule.

love me, and let me love you

The other day I went to a few galleries with phillip around chinatown and the LES. We found a dead rat on the side of the road on Rivington and Phil put an empty beer bottle in it's dead rigomortis-ed little clutches like it partied to hard. It was the best piece of art I saw all day.

There is a worthwhile show at the deitch gallery. (or however you spell it). The artist I am referring to does really technical colored pencil drawings of abstracts made of rats and dirty tampons and bugs and stuff. He inspires me to draw more.